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From Dreams to Reality

Get ready for a rollercoaster of dreams and endless possibilities as we dive into Kaylee’s incredible journey with the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities – Dream Business Program. Kaylee’s story is not just about building businesses; it’s about gaining confidence, finding support, and having the opportunity to be a part of a community of entrepreneurs with disabilities. Check out how she took her business ideas from dreams to reality!

A Pathway to Awesomeness

Imagine discovering a program that feels tailor-made for people like you! That is exactly what happened when Kaylee found our program. She signed up without hesitation and shared her feelings with us, “I was excited to find a program for people like me who might not always be the first in line.”

Although enthusiastic, Kaylee had some nervousness about the program. But her doubts vanished when she jumped right in! “Everything was super motivating and had this ‘you got this’ vibe. It was like having a safety net ready to catch you if you tripped,” Kaylee beams.

Mashup Lab’s approach checked all the right boxes for Kaylee, making her feel like a rockstar and wiping out all those doubts. The program, thanks to the partnerships with Community Futures and the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program, gave her a sense of belonging and power and unleashed her inner potential.

The Power of Connection

One of the program’s highlights for Kaylee was connecting with fellow entrepreneurs.

“Having the opportunity to talk to the other entrepreneurs and what we’re facing with our businesses and disabilities was really cool, honestly,” Kaylee notes. The diverse experiences and perspectives each entrepreneur brought to the table enriched her journey, showcasing the unique problems and solutions they each brought to the sessions.

Interactive Learning for Real Progress

Kaylee loved that the program was all about being hands-on. “Receiving instant feedback on ideas or challenges was a very positive experience,” she says. The program’s collaborative approach gave Kaylee instant insights, helping her fine-tune her business game.

From Idea to Impact: Kaylee’s Epic Journey

Kaylee’s business idea came from her experiences and passion for making change. She recalls, “I had this idea for something our community needed big time. Going from fully mobile to a wheelchair user, I saw the barriers like never before, and I was all in for an immediate change.”

The program gave her the tools and skills needed and mentorship from Community Futures. Empowered with newfound knowledge and confidence, Kaylee launched her business,Axcelling Forward,” specializing in accessibility reviews for events and spaces. “I came into the program with a passion for change and left thinking, hey, I have a viable business and connections too. It was a pretty crazy six weeks for me.”

The Ripple Effect and Future Plans

Thanks to the Dream Business Program, Kaylee’s business is now running, making waves in her community. She is busy engaging with local folks and championing universal design principles. “I’m on the ground, starting conversations, getting my name out there, and raising awareness,” she shares.

Kaylee’s efforts are not solely changing her business, they are changing how her community views accessibility. “I wouldn’t have been brave enough to dive into this without the program behind me,” Kaylee adds. 

Embrace the Journey

Kaylee’s journey with the Dream Business Program is the ultimate proof of how it empowers entrepreneurs. Her transformation from doubt to determination, from an idea to a business making real change, shows how remarkable the program is. Kaylee puts it simply, “It’s changed my life.” 

Kaylee’s journey is an inspiration for anyone looking to chase their dreams. With a tight-knit community, personalized support, and hands-on learning, the Dream Business Program is a game-changer for aspiring entrepreneurs.

When asked if she’d recommend the program to others, Kaylee’s answer is an enthusiastic thumbs-up: “If your heart is in it and you’ve got passion, don’t wait! You’re never alone in this. I had moments where I felt like I was sinking, and then a notification would pop up – it was check-in time. I could talk about what was happening and get a reminder to breathe. The support from the community is massive, and I’m 100% on board with this.”

Ready to make your business ideas go from dreams to reality? Join the Dream Business Program and discover your potential! Learn more and register at DreamBusiness.ca.

Check out our other amazing Dream Business Program alumni stories here!

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